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Kingston Police Crest


Youth In Policing Initiative

Application Form


We appreciate your interest in the YIPI (Youth in Policing Initiative) Student position. Run in collaboration with the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services since 2006. This YIPI  program is an 8 week full-time employment (40 hours per week) opportunity for youth ages 15-18 residing in The City of Kingston. Throughout the initiative, youth will interact with, and learn about, the many aspects of policing, have the opportunity to serve their community, and learn about leadership and teamwork. Students may be eligible to receive various training courses along with other certifications during this employment opportunity.



This summer YIPI  program starts the week of July 2, 2025 and finishes the week of August 29, 2025, 

Applications must be submitted before the deadline of April 18, 2025.



Important Information for Applicants:

Please understand that this is a competitive process, and you may be disqualified at any stage. This application must be completed in full, and you must attach a cover letter and resume. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Misrepresentation of this application may result in grounds for dismissal. The Kingston Police Service is an equal opportunity employer. We thank applicants for their interest. 



As an organization it is imperative we maintain the respect and trust of the community we serve.

All candidates in the selection process for the Youth in Policing Initiative with the Kingston Police Service will have a security background investigation performed by a member of the service.

By entering your name and selecting “Yes” in the sections below, you are authorizing Kingston Police to:

Collect personal information concerning myself including academic, employment history, appraisals, records contained in my personal file, medical, physical, financial, character information, including opinions from sources other than myself.

Conduct a review of the following records in relation to this application:

  • Police Automated Registration Information System
  • International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol)
  • Criminal Investigation Services of Ontario
  • Canadian Police Information Systems
  • Ontario Criminal Intelligence Information Systems
  • Pending charges under the Child and Family Services Act
  • Local Intelligence Files
  • Contacts/Investigations with any police agency
  • Consumer Credit Investigation
  • Social Networks: Instagram, Snapchat, Tik Tok, Twitter, Facebook, My Space, etc.

NOTE: Inquiries will be made beyond those supplied by the applicant (parents, spouses, neighbours, associates) for the purpose of obtaining and evaluating information relevant to job skills and abilities, in relation to my application for the position of Youth in Policing. Parents/Guardians may be subject to a Criminal Records Check(s) and, by entering your name below, the parent/guardian specifically authorizes this.

APPLICANT: Select "Yes" to agree to and authorize all records checks, collection of personal information, and inquiries as required by Kingston Police


Part 1: Personal Information


1. If selected for an interview, would you be able to provide a photocopy of your proof of citizenship, drivers licence (if applicable), and SIN?
2. Will you be between the ages of 15-18 by the start of the program (July 2, 2024)?
3. If selected for the Youth in Policing Initiative, will you be available for the entire length of the program; Mondays to Fridays; July 2-August 30, 2024?
4. Are you legally eligible to work in Canada?
5. Are you a Canadian Citizen or permanent resident of Canada?
6. Have you ever previously been hired by Kingston Police Youth in Policing (for any amount of time)?
9. Have you ever been convicted of any criminal offence for which a pardon has been granted or issued? (This means any fine, period of imprisonment, or period of probation offered by the court)
10. Have you ever been investigated or interviewed by a Police Service regarding any matter?
11. Do you know anyone that works for the Kingston Police that would like to refer you for this position?

13. Please list the usernames of all your current and past social media. DO NOT LIST PASSWORDS. (If you do not use a specific site listed, leave it blank. If you have multiple accounts on the same platform, or a platform not listed, utilize the “other” section, and state the platform)


List all immediate family members 16 years of age and older.



Part 2: Education


Are you currently enrolled in secondary school?
Will you be returning to secondary or post-secondary school in September 2024?


Part 3: Employment History


Beginning with your present or previous employer and continuing in reverse time order, list and describe every position you have held since the beginning of your work experience. If you have held two or more positions with the same employer, list and describe each position separately. Include military, part-time, and summer employment. (Please us the Additional Employment History section as required).

Is your current employer(s) aware you are seeking employment? Please be advised they may be contacted at a further point in the selection process.


Part 4: Questionnaire


Answer in full sentences (unless otherwise stated). Do not go beyond the provided space.

This section of the application is scored, please respond with detail and relate experiences to Youth in Policing.


Part 5: File Uploads


Please ensure your resume and cover letter are attached with this application.

Failiure to include them will result in your application being considered incomplete and automatically rejected.


Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx


Part 6: Declaration


I hereby declare that the foregoing information is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that a false statement may disqualify me from further consideration for employment or result in dismissal should I be hired. It is understood and accepted that I am involved in a competitive process and that I may be declined at any stage of this process.

Declaration of Truth

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